Википедиа:Ботҳо: Тафовут байни таҳрирҳо

Content deleted Content added
х робот илова карда истодааст: ia:Wikipedia:Bot, scn:Wikipedia:Bot
Сатри 36:
I request bot status on this wiki in order to mainly update interwiki links
*Корбар: [[:no:Bruker:Stigmj]]
*Bot account: Already has botflagglobal atbot flag and specific bot flag on: als, ar, be-x-oldast, be_x_old, bg, bn, bpy, ca, chr, cs, cu, da, de, en, eo, es, fi, fr, fur, gu, gv, hr, hsb, hu, ia, ie, io, is, it, iu, ja, lad, mi, mk, na, new, nl, nn, lano, oc, os, pl, pt, ro, ru, sa, sah, sco, si, simple, so, sr, sv, tr, udm, anduz, vo., Requestedzh_classical atand zh +50 more wikis.requests made
*Test edits [[%D0%92%D0%B8%D0%B6%D0%B0:Contributions/StigBot|on tg-Wiki]]
*For interwiki bots: The bot uses pywikipedia software [and is constantly updated with SVN].