Президенти Иёлоти Муттаҳидаи Амрико: Тафовут байни таҳрирҳо

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Сатри 1:
{{Вазифаи давлатӣ
{{two other uses|about the office of the President of the United States|the movie|The American President (film)|other items|The Presidents of the United States of America}}
|вазифа = Президенти Иёлоти Муттаҳидаи Амрико
[[Image:USPresidentialSeal.jpg|thumb|250px|The [[Мӯҳри Президенти Иёлоти Муттаҳидаи Амрико|мӯҳри президент]] аз тарафи [[Рузерфорд Б. Ҳейес|Президент Ҳейес]] дар соли 1880 истифода бурда шуда буд ва охирин бор соли 1959 бо илова кардани 50-ум ситора барои [[Ҳаваии]] нав карда шуда буд.]]
|номи аслӣ = President of the United States
|мамлакат = ИМА
|рамз = Seal_Of_The_President_Of_The_United_States_Of_America.svg
|ширина эмблемы = 160px
|подпись эмблемы = Печать президента США
|нынешний = [[Трамп, Дональд|Дональд Трамп]]
|назначен = [[20 января]] [[2017 год]]а
|портрет = Donald Trump official portrait.jpg
|ширина портрета = 180px
|подпись портрета =
|форма обращения = Господин президент; Его превосходительство
|резиденция = [[Белый дом]] ([[Вашингтон (округ Колумбия)|Вашингтон]])
|номинируется =
|назначается = [[Коллегия выборщиков США|коллегией выборщиков]]
|срок полномочий = 4 года, не более 2 сроков
|появилась = [[30 апреля]] [[1787 год]]а
|первый = [[Вашингтон, Джордж|Джордж Вашингтон]]
|сайт = [http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents whitehouse.gov/president]
'''Президент США''' — глава [[исполнительная власть|исполнительной власти]] [[США]] с функциями главы государства и главнокомандующий [[Вооружённые силы США|Вооружёнными силами США]]. Имеет право [[вето]] на законопроекты (билли), принятые [[Конгресс США|Конгрессом США]]. Должность введена Конституцией США<ref name=ftn1>[http://ru.wikisource.org/wiki/%CA%EE%ED%F1%F2%E8%F2%F3%F6%E8%FF_%D1%EE%E5%E4%E8%ED%B8%ED%ED%FB%F5_%D8%F2%E0%F2%EE%E2_%C0%EC%E5%F0%E8%EA%E8 Конституция США]</ref>, принятой Конституционным конвентом (собранием) в [[1787 год]]у. Первым президентом США стал в [[1789 год]]у [[Джордж Вашингтон]]. До его вступления в должность название «президент» использовалось в сочетании «президент [[Второй Континентальный конгресс|Континентального конгресса]]» — председатель съезда представителей колоний, на котором была принята [[Декларация о независимости]].
Действующий президент США — [[Трамп, Дональд|Дональд Трамп]]. Официально 45-й президент США вступил в должность [[20 января]] [[2017 год]]а.
'''Президенти Иёлоти Муттаҳидаи Амрико''' ('''POTUS''') [[сарвари давлат]]и [[Иёлоти Муттаҳида]] мебошад. Дар [[Сарқонуни Иёлоти Муттаҳида|Сарқонуни ИМА]], Президент боз [[сарвари ҳокимият|сарвари иҷрокунанда]]и chief executive [[Ҳокимияти федералии Иёлоти Муттаҳида|ҳокимияти федералӣ]] ва [[Сарфармондеҳ]]и [[Қувваҳои мусаллаҳи Иёлоти Муттаҳида|қувваҳои мусаллаҳ]] мебошад.
== Требования к кандидатам ==
Because of the [[superpower]] status of the United States, the American President is often described as the most powerful person on earth, and he is also described as one of the world's best-known public figures. The President is sometimes referred to as "the leader of the [[free world]]," although the usage of this phrase has declined since the end of the [[Cold War]].
Стать президентом США по Конституции США может только [[гражданин США]] по рождению (либо тот, кто был гражданином США на дату принятия Конституции; не имели гражданства США при рождении первые 7 президентов от [[Вашингтон, Джордж|Вашингтона]] до [[Джексон, Эндрю|Джексона]] и 9-й президент [[Гаррисон, Уильям Генри|Уильям Гаррисон]]), старше 35 лет и проживающий в США не менее 14 лет. Самым пожилым президентом на момент избрания является нынешний президент Дональд Трамп, впервые избранный в возрасте 70 лет, переизбранным на второй срок — [[Рейган, Рональд|Рональд Рейган]] в возрасте 73 лет. Самым молодым избранным президентом стал [[Джон Кеннеди]], вступивший в должность в возрасте 43 лет. Фактически же самым молодым президентом стал [[Теодор Рузвельт]], вступивший в должность в возрасте 42 лет и 10 месяцев, но он не был избран, а стал президентом после убийства в 1901 году [[Мак-Кинли, Уильям|Уильяма Мак-Кинли]].
Согласно [[Двадцать вторая поправка к Конституции США|22-й поправке к Конституции]], принятой в [[1951]], одно и то же лицо может быть избрано президентом США не более двух раз (неважно, подряд или с перерывом). Кроме того, если некоторое лицо после смерти или отставки избранного президента занимало президентский пост (с поста вице-президента или иначе) на протяжении 2 лет и более, то это лицо в дальнейшем может быть избрано президентом не более 1 раза. Фактически президенты и ранее почти все соблюдали это неписаное правило, следуя примеру [[Вашингтон, Джордж|Джорджа Вашингтона]], который пробыл в должности только два срока. Однако в [[1940 год]]у [[Рузвельт, Франклин Делано|Франклин Д. Рузвельт]] был избран на третий срок, а в [[1944]] — и на четвёртый (умер в [[1945]]). После этого, не умаляя заслуг Рузвельта и чрезвычайных условий, в которых он переизбирался ([[Вторая мировая война]]), было решено законодательно ограничить количество возможных переизбраний, чтобы этот случай не стал прецедентом для установления [[диктатура|диктатуры]]. 22-я поправка не имела обратной силы и не распространялась на действовавшего в тот момент президента [[Трумэн, Гарри|Гарри Трумэна]], пробывшего президентом почти полностью срок Рузвельта после его смерти (1945—1949) плюс свой собственный (1949—1953), но Трумэн сам не пожелал вновь баллотироваться в [[Президентские выборы в США (1952)|1952]].
The United States was the first nation to create the office of [[President]] as the head of state in a modern [[republic]]. Today the [[presidential system]] of government is used in several countries throughout the world.
Только один президент, [[Кливленд, Гровер|Гровер Кливленд]], занимал пост два срока с перерывом.
The 43rd and current President of the United States is [[Ҷорҷ Уокер Буш|Ҷорҷ У. Буш‎]].
Во многих странах с республиканским правлением требования к кандидатам в президенты соответствуют требованиям в США, например, возрастной ценз.
==Сохтани Идора ё Офис==
After the adoption of the [[Articles of Confederation]] in [[1781]], the [[President of the Continental Congress]] was renamed to [[President of the Continental Congress|President of the United States in Congress Assembled]]. Functionally, the President of the United States in Congress Assembled was quite different from the modern office of the President of the United States; the President of the USiCA was nothing more than the presiding officer of the legislature and was neither a head of government nor head of state. After the Constitutional Convention, the position of the President of the United States in Congress Assembled was dissolved and replaced with the positions of the [[Speaker of the United States House of Representatives]] and the [[President of the Senate]] and [[President Pro Tempore of the United States Senate]]. The executive branch was established, and the office of President of the United States of America was created.
== Выборы ==
==Талаботи идоракуни==
{{main|Президентские выборы в США|Коллегия выборщиков США}}
[[Image:Seal Of The President Of The United States Of America.svg|right|thumb|153px|A [[vector graphics|vector graphic]] version of Seal from an official document.]]
{{См. также|Президентские дебаты в США|Президентские праймериз в США}}
Section One of [[Article Two of the United States Constitution|Article II]] of the U.S. Constitution establishes the requirements one must meet in order to become President. The president must be a [[natural-born citizen]] of the United States (or a citizen of the United States at the time the U.S. Constitution was adopted), be at least 35 years old, and have been a resident of the United States for 14 years.
Президент США избирается на четырёхлетний срок вместе с [[Вице-президент США|вице-президентом]] с помощью непрямых (двухступенчатых) выборов.
[[Image:FORPRES.jpg|left|thumb|320px|Президент [[Ҷорҷ У. Буш]], walks with, from left, former President [[George H.W. Bush]], former President [[Bill Clinton]], and former President [[Jimmy Carter]] during the dedication of the William J. Clinton Presidential Center and Park in Little Rock, Ark., Nov. 18, 2004.]]
Президент и вице-президент идут «в связке» в течение всей выборной кампании.
The natural-born citizenship requirement has been the subject of controversy recently. Some commentators argue that the clause should be repealed because it excludes qualified people based on so-called "technicalities", and fails to appreciate the contributions made by immigrants to American society. Supporters counter that the requirement protects the United States from foreign interference &mdash; another country could send an emigrant to the United States and through subterfuge get them elected. Many prominent public officials are barred from the presidency because they are not natural-born citizens (for example, Secretaries of State [[Henry Kissinger]] and [[Madeleine Albright]], Secretary of Labor [[Elaine Chao]] and Governors [[Arnold Schwarzenegger]] of [[California]] and [[Jennifer Granholm]] of [[Michigan]]), as well as other well-known persons born in other countries who have done great service for the United States. Constitutional amendments are occasionally proposed to remove or modify this requirement, but none has been successful to this date.
Непосредственно за президента и вице-президента голосует так называемая [[Коллегия выборщиков США|коллегия выборщиков]]. По конституции, Законодательное собрание каждого штата может назначить определённое количество выборщиков (равное количеству представителей штата в [[Конгресс США|Конгрессе]]), которые будут представлять интересы штата. Способ, с помощью которого определяется список выборщиков, Законодательное собрание может выбрать по своему усмотрению, однако в настоящее время все штаты определяют своих выборщиков с помощью всеобщего голосования, которое происходит в первый вторник после первого понедельника ноября в год, деление которого на четыре не образует остатка.
The only time recently that the natural-born citizenship requirement has been implicated in regard to a presidential candidate was in 1968. That year, Michigan Gov. [[George W. Romney]] was a candidate for the Republican nomination for President. Romney had been born in [[Chihuahua, Mexico]] to American parents. However, Romney's campaign fizzled and the question was never seriously discussed. Another small controversy surfaced in the year [[2000]], when [[John S. McCain, Jr.]] ran for the [[GOP]] primary nomination for president. McCain was born in the [[Panama Canal Zone]], which at the time was outside [[U.S.]] borders, but considered [[American]] territory and under military control. It was determined that being born in U.S. territories (such as [[Panama]], bases in [[Japan]], [[Guam]], etc., or under the supervision of the [[United States]] military, (perhaps a naval fleet at sea), will consider a birth to be a natural born American citizen.
Голосование выборщиков происходит в начале декабря и представляет собой известную формальность, хотя неоднократно случалось, что отдельные выборщики голосовали не так, как обещали при их избрании. В части штатов существуют законы, обязывающие выборщиков голосовать так, как предписывает им штат.
{{main|United States presidential election}}
Presidents and Vice Presidents of the United States are elected every four years indirectly through the [[United States Electoral College|Electoral College]]. They are the only nationally elected offices in the United States, since executive officers and judges are appointed, and Congressmen are elected at the state level.
Выборщики голосуют отдельно за президента и вице-президента, для избрания кандидат должен набрать абсолютное большинство (более половины) голосов выборщиков, в настоящее время составляющих 538 человек. Если этого не происходит, то президента или вице-президента избирает Палата представителей или, соответственно, Сенат Конгресса США из числа кандидатов, набравших наибольшее количество голосов выборщиков по правилам, определённым конституцией.
===Ташвиқот ва тарғиботи пешазинтихоботӣ===
The modern presidential campaign begins before the [[United States presidential primary|primary elections]], which the two major political parties use to clear the field of candidates in advance of their [[U.S. presidential nominating convention|national nominating conventions]], where the most successful candidate is made the party's nominee for President. The party's presidential candidate chooses a vice presidential nominee and this choice is rubber-stamped by the convention. Also, the party establishes a platform on which to base its campaign. Although nominating conventions have a long history in the United States, their substantive importance in the political process has greatly diminished; however, they remain important as a way of energizing the parties for the general election and focusing the public's attention on the nominees.
Первый президент США [[Вашингтон, Джордж|Джордж Вашингтон]] являлся независимым кандидатом. С тех пор в условиях сложившейся в США [[двухпартийная система|двухпартийной системы]] на всех выборах одерживал победу и становился президентом представитель (который определялся на [[праймериз]]) одной из [[Политические партии США|двух основных партий]] (с середины XIX века — [[Демократическая партия США|Демократической]] или [[Республиканская партия (США)|Республиканской]]), и только два раза ([[Президентские выборы в США (1860)|1860]] и [[Президентские выборы в США (1912)|1912]] годы) т. н. «[[Третьи партии (США)|третьим партиям]]» удавалось занять второе место. Последний случай, когда «третий» кандидат одерживал победу хотя бы в одном из штатов, относится к [[Президентские выборы в США (1968)|1968 году]], когда большинство голосов избирателей в 5 штатах получил кандидат от [[Американская независимая партия (США)|Американской независимой партии]] [[Уоллес, Джордж|Джордж Уоллес]]. Последний случай, когда «третий» кандидат добился относительно существенных процентных результатов (хотя и остался на третьем месте) — [[Президентские выборы в США (1992)|выборы 1992 года]] (независимый кандидат [[Перо, Росс|Росс Перо]] получил 18,9 % голосов избирателей).
Nominees participate in [[United States presidential election debates|nationally televised debates]], and while the debates are usually restricted to the [[Democratic Party (United States)|Democratic]] and [[Republican Party (United States)|Republican]] nominees, third party candidates may be invited (such as [[Ross Perot]] in the 1992 debates). Nominees campaign across the country to explain their views, convince voters, and solicit contributions. Much of the modern electoral process is concerned with winning [[swing state]]s through frequent visits and [[mass media]] advertising drives.
== Вступление в должность ==
===Коллеҷи Интихоботӣ===
{{main|Инаугурация президента США}}
{{main|United States Electoral College}}
On election day, the voting public select their preferred candidate, which usually translates into a vote for a slate of electors put forward by the candidate's party. Although state legislatures have the constitutional power to appoint slates of electors, all fifty states have established popular election of presidential electors. In December, electors gather at the state capitals to cast their ballots, which are then transmitted to [[United States Congress|Congress]] under the care of the sitting vice president. The ballots are counted and certified in January before both houses of Congress. Should a candidate for either President or Vice President fail to achieve a majority of votes, the [[United States House of Representatives]] (voting by state) chooses the next president from among the candidates while the [[United States Senate]] (voting normally) selects the vice president.
Вновь [[избранный президент]] и Вице-президент вступают в должность в полдень [[20 января]] следующего года после выборов; устраивается торжественная церемония — [[инаугурация президента США]]. До принятия в 1933 году [[Двадцатая поправка к Конституции США|Двадцатой поправки к Конституции США]] датой инаугурации было [[4 марта]].
===Охирин интихобот===
{{main|United States presidential election, 2004}}
{{United States presidential election, 2004}}
Во время инаугурации президент приносит следующую присягу или даёт следующее торжественное обещание: «Я торжественно клянусь, что буду добросовестно исполнять должность президента Соединённых Штатов и в полную меру сил своих буду поддерживать, охранять и защищать Конституцию Соединённых Штатов».
==Муддати вазифа==
The President and Vice President serve a term of office of four years. The [[Twenty-second Amendment to the United States Constitution|Twenty-second Amendment]] (which took effect in 1951) provides that no one may be elected to the office more than twice, and that no one may be elected President more than once who has held the office of (or acted as) President for more than two years of another's term. Prior to the ratification of this amendment, and following the precedent set by [[George Washington]], an unofficial [[term limit|limit]] of two terms was generally observed, with the only exception being [[Franklin D. Roosevelt]], who served three full terms and died in his fourth after just over 12 years in office. Since the amendment went into effect, three Presidents have served two full terms: [[Dwight D. Eisenhower|Dwight Eisenhower]], [[Ronald Reagan]], and [[Bill Clinton]]. [[Richard Nixon]] was elected to a second term but resigned before completing it. Current President [[George W. Bush]] will become the fourth if he completes his current term, in 2009. [[Lyndon B. Johnson]] was one of two presidents since the ratification of the amendment to have been eligible to have served more than 2 terms, having served only 14 months of [[John F. Kennedy]]'s term after becoming president following the [[John F. Kennedy assassination|latter's assassination]]. [[Harry S. Truman]] was also eligible for a potential third term as the 22nd specifically states it did not apply to the president in office upon its ratification (Truman). He briefly sought re-election in [[United States presidential election, 1952|1952]], but withdrew after losing the [[New Hampshire]] primary.
В конце присяги традиционно добавляют ещё слова: «Да поможет мне Бог» (So help me God), хотя Конституцией они не требуются.
{{main|Powers of the President of the United States}}
The President, according to the Constitution, must "take care that the laws be faithfully executed." To carry out this responsibility, he has many powers, most of which are subject to or checked by Congressional power. He presides over the executive branch of the federal government; a vast organization of about 4 million people, including 1 million active-duty military personnel, of whom he is Commander in Chief.
== Заработок ==
According to the [[Federalist Papers]] #69, which states, "In most of these particulars, the power of the President will resemble equally that of the king of [[Great Britain]] and of the governor of [[New York]]. The most material points of difference are these: First. The President will have only the occasional command of such part of the militia of the nation as by legislative provision may be called into the actual service of the Union. The king of Great Britain and the governor of New York have at all times the entire command of all the militia within their several jurisdictions. In this article, therefore, the power of the President would be inferior to that of either the monarch or the governor. Secondly. The President is to be commander-in-chief of the [[United States Army|army]] and [[United States Navy|navy]] of the United States. In this respect his authority would be nominally the same with that of the king of Great Britain, but in substance much inferior to it. It would amount to nothing more than the supreme command and direction of the military and naval forces, as first General and admiral of the Confederacy; while that of the British king extends to the DECLARING of war and to the RAISING and REGULATING of fleets and armies, all which, by the Constitution under consideration, would appertain to the legislature". However, his control over these tools of state are checked by Congress' power "to make Rules for the Government and Regulation for the land and naval Forces" ([[Article One of the United States Constitution|Article I, Section 8]]).
Президент в установленные сроки получает за свою службу фиксированное вознаграждение, которое не может меняться в течение периода, на который он был избран. Также в пределах этого периода он не может получать никаких иных доходов от Соединённых Штатов или какого-либо из штатов. Однако может получать деньги из других источников (например, от продажи книг)<ref>[http://www.cleveland.com/nation/index.ssf/2010/04/brisk_book_sales_boost_preside.html Brisk book sales boost President Barack Obama’s income to $5.5M]</ref>. В период президентства Барака Обамы (с 2009 года по настоящее время) зарплата президента США составляет 400 тысяч долларов США в год.
== Резиденция ==
As President-elect, he will make as many as 6,000 appointments in addition to those that must be made during his term proper (including appointments to the [[United States federal courts|federal judiciary]]), but the Senate must consent to all appointments, except those of "inferior officers" that Congress has vested exclusively in him, the courts, or the heads of departments. He may make temporary appointments without the advice and consent of the Senate if the Senate is in recess, but such appointments expire at the end of the next session of the Senate.
Резиденция президентов (начиная со второго, [[Адамс, Джон (президент)|Джона Адамса]]) — [[Белый дом]] в [[Вашингтон (округ Колумбия)|Вашингтоне]]. Рабочий кабинет (начиная с [[Тафт, Уильям Говард|Уильяма Тафта]]) — [[Овальный кабинет]] Белого дома. Загородная резиденция — [[Кэмп-Дэвид]].
== Полномочия и обязанности ==
While he may not personally initiate legislation, the President may [[veto]] any legislation passed by Congress. Such a veto may be overturned by a two-thirds majority vote in each House. He may make treaties, but two-thirds of the Senate must ratify the treaty. He is also required by the Constitution to give Congress information on the [[State of the Union Address|State of the Union]] and propose measures for their consideration.
Президент является главнокомандующим армией и флотом Соединённых Штатов и полиции отдельных штатов, когда она призывается на действительную службу США.
Президент США имеет право:
According to political scientist [[Richard Neustadt]], "Presidential power is the power to persuade and the power to persuade is the ability to bargain". The President's constitutional domestic power is limited, and so, according to Neustadt, successful bargaining with Congress is usually essential to Presidential success.
* потребовать мнение в письменном виде от высшего должностного лица в каждом из [[Исполнительные департаменты США|исполнительных департаментов]] по любому вопросу, касающемуся их должностных обязанностей;
* даровать отсрочку исполнения приговора, а также помилование за преступления против Соединённых Штатов, кроме как по делам [[импичмент]]а (не только собственного, но и чиновников иных уровней);
* по совету и с согласия сената заключать международные договоры при условии их одобрения двумя третями присутствующих сенаторов;
* заполнять все вакансии, открывающиеся в период между сессиями сената, выдавая удостоверения на должности, срок действия которых истекает в конце его следующей сессии;
* в чрезвычайных случаях может созвать обе палаты [[Конгресс США|Конгресса]] или любую из них;
* в случае разногласий между палатами Конгресса по поводу времени переноса заседаний переносить их самому на такое время, какое сочтёт уместным.
Президент США по совету и с согласия [[Сенат США|сената]] назначает [[Кабинет США]], послов, других официальных представителей и консулов, судей [[Верховный суд США|Верховного суда]] и всех других должностных лиц США, назначение которых Конституцией не предусматривается в ином порядке и должности которых устанавливаются законом (но Конгресс может законом предоставить право назначения таких нижестоящих должностных лиц, каких сочтёт уместным, президенту единолично, судам или главам департаментов)
==Маоши президентӣ ва фоида==
{| class="wikitable" align="right" style="margin:1ex 0 1ex 1ex"
|+ '''Presidential pay history'''
! Date established !! Salary !! Salary in 2005<br />dollars <!-- According to http://eh.net/hmit/compare/ -->
| [[September 24]], [[1789]] ||align="right"| $25,000 ||align="right"| $531,000 (1790)
| [[March 3]], [[1873]] ||align="right"| $50,000 ||align="right"| $811,000 (1873)
| [[March 4]], [[1909]] ||align="right"| $75,000 ||align="right"| $1,607,000 (1909)
| [[January 19]], [[1949]] ||align="right"| $100,000 ||align="right"| $820,000 (1949)
| [[January 20]], [[1969]] ||align="right"| $200,000 ||align="right"| $1,067,000 (1969)
| [[January 20]], [[2001]] ||align="right"| $400,000 ||align="right"| $441,000 (2001)
The [[First United States Congress|First U.S. Congress]] voted to pay [[George Washington]] a salary of $25,000 a year (about $531,000 in 2005 terms) &mdash; a significant sum in [[1789]]. Washington, already a wealthy man, refused to accept his salary. Similarly, [[John F. Kennedy]] donated his salary to charities.<ref>[[Richard Reeves]]. ''President Kennedy: Profile of Power.'' (1993)</ref>
Президент периодически дает Конгрессу информацию о положении страны и рекомендует к его рассмотрению такие меры, которые он сочтёт необходимыми и целесообразными.
Traditionally, the President is the highest-paid government employee. Consequently, the President's salary serves as a traditional cap for all other federal officials, such as the [[Chief Justice of the United States|Chief Justice]]. A raise for 2001 was approved by Congress and President Bill Clinton in 1999 because other officials who receive annual cost-of-living increases had salaries approaching the President's. Consequently, to raise the salaries of the other federal employees, the President's salary had to be raised as well. The President's monetary compensation is minuscule in comparison to the [[chief executive officer|CEOs]] of most [[Fortune 500]] companies; in some parts of the United States some medical specialists (such as cardiovascular surgeons) will earn comparable salaries.
Президент США принимает послов и других официальных представителей, обязан заботиться о том, чтобы законы добросовестно исполнялись, удостоверяет в должности всех должностных лиц Соединённых Штатов.
In recent times former Presidents, while they remain healthy, earn far more money after the end of their presidential term; ''[[Forbes]]'' magazine estimated that [[Bill Clinton]], despite health problems that prevented him working for some part of the year, earned $6 million in 2005.<ref>[http://www.forbes.com/lists/2005/53/0EVI.html]</ref> Overall the vast majority of US presidents were very affluent upon entering office and thus were not dependent on the salary. In [[2005]] current President [[George W. Bush]] earned roughly $800,000, more than twice his salary, mostly from capital gains income. [[Vice President]] [[Richard B. Cheney]], earned an approximate one-million dollars the same year.{{fact}}
== Прекращение полномочий ==
[[Файл:VOA News in Russian 2013-01-16 - U. S. Presidents in Retirement.ogv|thumb|right|250px|Видеорепортаж о деятельности бывших президентов США]]
While traveling, the President is able to conduct all the functions of the office aboard two custom-built [[Boeing 747]] aircraft popularly known as [[Air Force One]]. However, this is not the actual name of the plane since any [[United States Air Force|U.S. Air Force]] aircraft carrying the President will use the [[call sign]] "Air Force One." In addition to Air Force One, the President also utilizes a [[United States Marine Corps]] helicopter, most often to carry him from the [[White House]] to Air Force One. When the President boards this helicopter or any other Marine Corps aircraft, the aircraft uses the call sign "[[Marine One]]". (Previously, an Army aircraft dubbed "[[Army One]]" was also used.) "[[Navy One]]" and "[[Coast Guard One]]" are the call signs used if the President is aboard an aircraft belonging to those two services—for instance, when President [[George W. Bush]] landed aboard the [[USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72)|USS ''Abraham Lincoln'']] in a Navy jet. "[[Executive One]]" would be used if the President flew aboard a civilian aircraft.
Различаются следующие случаи:
# Истечение срока полномочий — наиболее частый случай.
# Кончина; четыре президента — [[Гаррисон, Уильям Генри|У. Гаррисон]], [[Тейлор, Закари|Тейлор]], [[Гардинг, Уоррен|Гардинг]] и [[Рузвельт, Франклин Делано|Ф. Рузвельт]] — умерли в должности своей смертью, четыре — [[Линкольн, Авраам|Линкольн]], [[Гарфилд, Джеймс|Гарфилд]], [[Мак-Кинли, Уильям|Мак-Кинли]] и [[Кеннеди, Джон Фицджеральд|Кеннеди]] — были убиты.
# Добровольная отставка, которой пока воспользовался только [[Никсон, Ричард|Никсон]] (см. [[Уотергейт]]).
# Президент может быть отстранён от должности после осуждения в порядке [[импичмент]]а за государственную измену, взяточничество или другие серьёзные преступления. Пока ни один президент не был отстранен от должности, однако были три попытки импичмента: [[Джонсон, Эндрю|Эндрю Джонсона]] в 1868 году, [[Никсон, Ричард|Ричарда Никсона]] в 1974 году и [[Клинтон, Билл|Билла Клинтона]] [[Импичмент Билла Клинтона|в 1998 году]].
Президент, чей срок полномочий приближается к концу (в особенности после того, как уже избран его преемник), носит неофициальное прозвище «[[хромая утка]]».
The President also utilizes a [[motorcade]], in which the President himself rides in an armored [[Presidential limousine]], currently a heavily modified [[Cadillac DTS]].
== Порядок замещения должности ==
===Хизмати Махфӣ===
{{main|Наследование президентских полномочий в США}}
The President and his family are always protected by a [[United States Secret Service|Secret Service]] detail. Until 1997, all former Presidents and their families were protected by the Secret Service until the President's death. The last President to have lifetime Secret Service protection is Bill Clinton; George W. Bush and all subsequent Presidents will be protected by the Secret Service for a maximum of 10 years after leaving office.
В случае отстранения президента от должности, его смерти, отставки или неспособности осуществлять полномочия и обязанности таковые переходят к [[вице-президент США|вице-президенту США]]. Первоначальный текст конституции США был двусмысленен и позволял как толкование, согласно которому вице-президент получает только полномочия и обязанности (то есть становится, условно говоря, «и. о. президента США»), так и толкование, согласно которому вице-президент получает саму должность (то есть становится президентом США и приносит соответствующую присягу). На протяжении [[XIX век]]а и [[XX век]]а это положение всегда практически толковалось в том смысле, что вице-президент становится полновластным президентом; первый [[Судебный прецедент|прецедент]] такого перехода полномочий имел место с [[Тайлер, Джон|Джоном Тайлером]] в [[1841]], который после кончины [[Гаррисон, Уильям Генри|Уильяма Гаррисона]] немедленно провозгласил себя президентом США и отказывался распечатывать письма, адресованные «[[исполняющий обязанности президента США|и. о. президента]]». Лишь в [[1967]] принята [[Двадцать пятая поправка к Конституции США|25-я поправка к Конституции]], согласно которой в таком случае однозначно «вице-президент становится президентом».
==Вазифадорони Идора==
{{main|List of Presidents of the United States}}
{{seealso|President of the Continental Congress}}
В случае отстранения, смерти, отставки или недееспособности как президента, так и вице-президента [[Конгресс США|Конгресс]] может принять закон, указывающий, какое должностное лицо будет действовать в качестве президента. Такое должностное лицо выполняет соответствующие обязанности, пока не устранена причина неспособности президента выполнять свои обязанности или не избран новый президент. C [[1947]] действует закон, согласно которому президента замещают в его должности следующие официальные лица в таком порядке (указан современный состав министерств, включая созданные после 1947 г.):
==Timeline of Presidential births==
* William Henry Harrison, born [[February 9]], [[1773]] in British colonial territory, was the last person to become President who was not a [[natural-born citizen|natural-born]] U.S. citizen.
* Martin Van Buren, born [[December 5]], [[1782]], was the first President born after the [[United States Declaration of Independence|Declaration of Independence]] and was thus arguably the first [[natural-born citizen|natural-born]] U.S. citizen (rather than a [[British subject]]) to become President. He is also the first President not of Anglo-Celtic origin. ([[Dutch-American]])
* John Tyler, born [[March 29]], [[1790]], was the first President born after the adoption of the U.S. Constitution. All Presidents born before him were eligible to be President because they were citizens at the time the Constitution was adopted. (Zachary Taylor was born on [[November 24]], [[1784]], before the Constitution was adopted).
* Franklin Pierce, born [[November 23]], [[1804]], was the first President born in the [[19th century]]. (Millard Fillmore was born [[January 7]], [[1800]], the last year of the 18th century.)
* Warren G. Harding, born [[November 2]], [[1865]], was the first President born after the [[American Civil War]]. [[Robert E. Lee]] surrendered [[April 9]], [[1865]].
* John F. Kennedy, born [[May 29]], [[1917]], was the first person born in the 20th century to become President (1961).
** Kennedy's successor, Lyndon B. Johnson, was born on [[August 27]], [[1908]]. Three other Presidents who followed Johnson in office were also born before Kennedy (in order of birth, Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, and Gerald Ford).
* Jimmy Carter, born [[October 1]], [[1924]], was the first person born after [[World War I]] to become President. He was also the first President to be born in a hospital.
*William J Clinton, born [[August 19]], [[1946]], was the first person born after [[World War II]] to serve as President.
# [[вице-президент США|вице-президент]],
==Зиндагӣ даъд аз президентӣ==
# [[спикер Палаты представителей США|спикер]] [[Палата представителей США|Палаты представителей]] (после освобождения с должности спикера и члена Палаты представителей),
[[image:pres38-42.jpg|thumb|250px|Former presidents Bill Clinton, George H. W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, and their wives at the funeral of former president Richard Nixon on [[April 27]], [[1994]].]]
# [[Временный председатель Сената США|временный председатель]] [[Сенат США|Сената]] (традиционно этот пост занимает старший сенатор из партии большинства; постоянным председателем Сената является вице-президент),
Presidents continue to enjoy benefits after leaving office such as free mailing privileges, free office space, the right to hold a [[passport#Types of passports|diplomatic passport]] and budgets for office help and staff assistance. However, it was not until after Harry S. Truman (1958) that Presidents received a pension after they left office. Additionally, since the presidency of Herbert Hoover, Presidents receive funding from the [[National Archives and Records Administration]] upon leaving office to establish their own [[presidential library]]. These are not traditional libraries but rather repositories for preserving and making available the papers, records, and other historical materials for each President since Herbert Hoover.
# [[Государственный секретарь США|государственный секретарь]],
# [[Министр финансов США|министр финансов]],
# [[Министр обороны США|министр обороны]],
# [[Министр юстиции США|министр юстиции]],
# [[Министр внутренних дел США|министр внутренних дел]],
# [[Министр сельского хозяйства США|министр сельского хозяйства]],
# [[Министр торговли США|министр торговли]],
# [[Министерство труда США|министр труда]],
# [[Министр здравоохранения и социальных служб США|министр здравоохранения и социальных служб]],
# [[Министр жилищного строительства и городского развития США|министр жилищного строительства и городского развития]] ,
# [[Министерство транспорта США|министр транспорта]],
# [[Министр энергетики США|министр энергетики]],
# [[Министр образования США|министр образования]],
# [[Министр по делам ветеранов США|министр по делам ветеранов]],
# [[Министр внутренней безопасности США|министр внутренней безопасности]].
После вице-президента и избираемых председателей палат в списке идут министерские должности Кабинета США в порядке учреждения (последним идёт Министерство внутренней безопасности, созданное в 2003 г.). До 1947 г. председатели палат Конгресса не имели приоритета над министрами; этот приоритет введён [[Гарри Трумэн]]ом для уменьшения вероятности ситуации, когда президент сам назначает своего преемника. В настоящее время список насчитывает всего 18 должностей (есть [[теория заговора|теории заговора]], согласно которым существует секретное продолжение списка, насчитывающее 50 или 100 имён и рассчитанное на случай ядерной войны или масштабной катастрофы; большинство экспертов воспринимает их скептически).
After a President leaves office, the title "President" continues to be applied to that person for the rest of his life. Former presidents continue to be important national figures, and in some cases go on to successful post-presidential careers. Notable examples have included [[William Howard Taft]]'s tenure as [[Chief Justice of the United States]], [[Herbert Hoover]]'s work on government reorganization after World War II, [[Jimmy Carter]]'s current career as a global [[human rights]] campaigner and best-selling writer, and most recently [[George H. W. Bush]] and [[Bill Clinton]]'s combined effort to appeal for donations from Americans after the [[2004 Indian Ocean earthquake]] and [[Hurricane Katrina]] in 2005. [[Andrew Johnson]] was elected to the same Senate that tried his impeachment after his term was over. Furthermore, [[John Quincy Adams]] enjoyed a prosperous career in the House of Representatives after his term in the White House.
Порядок замещения ограничен тем условием, что лицо, вступающее в обязанности президента, должно быть гражданином США по рождению на его территории, иметь не менее 35 лет от роду и жить в США 14 лет (если одно из этих условий не выполняется, то соответствующее лицо пропускается, и право замещения переходит на следующий номер в списке). Невозможен переход президентских полномочий к временно исполняющему обязанности спикера или министра; лицо, получающее президентские полномочия, должно быть до момента открытия вакансии на этом посту официально назначено (избрано Конгрессом) на дающую это право должность. Опять же не существует действующих законов, уточняющих, становится ли это лицо президентом или и. о. президента; прецедентов такой передачи власти пока не было.
As of 2006, there are four living former presidents: [[Gerald Ford]], [[Jimmy Carter]], [[George H. W. Bush]] and [[Bill Clinton]]. The most recently deceased President is [[Ronald Reagan]], who died [[June 5]], [[2004]].
Следующие президенты: [[Тайлер, Джон|Тайлер]], [[Филлмор, Миллард|Филлмор]], [[Джонсон, Эндрю|Э. Джонсон]], [[Артур, Честер|Артур]], [[Рузвельт, Теодор|Т. Рузвельт]], [[Кулидж, Калвин|Кулидж]], [[Трумэн, Гарри|Трумэн]], [[Джонсон, Линдон|Л. Джонсон]] и [[Форд, Джеральд|Форд]] вступили в должность с поста вице-президента, причём Форд раньше не был избран и на этот пост, а назначен Конгрессом по представлению президента. Т. Рузвельт, Куллидж, Трумэн и Л. Джонсон были избраны впоследствии на очередных выборах.
===Собиқ Президентон===
There have never been more than five former Presidents alive at any given time in American history. There have been three periods during which five former Presidents were alive:
*From [[March 4]], [[1861]] to [[January 18]], [[1862]], Martin Van Buren, John Tyler, Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce, and James Buchanan were living (from the inauguration of Lincoln to the death of Tyler).
*From [[January 20]], [[1993]] to [[April 22]], [[1994]], Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, and George H. W. Bush were living (from the inauguration of Clinton to the death of Nixon).
*From [[January 20]], [[2001]] to [[June 5]], [[2004]], Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and Bill Clinton were living (from the inauguration of George W. Bush to the [[Death and state funeral of Ronald Reagan|death of Reagan]]).
== Временная передача обязанностей ==
There have been six periods in American history during which no former Presidents were alive:
{{main|Исполняющий обязанности президента США}}
*[[April 30]], [[1789]] – [[March 4]], [[1797]]: until the first President left office, there could be no former Presidents, alive or otherwise.
*[[December 14]], [[1799]] – [[March 4]], [[1801]]: from the death of Washington to the end of John Adams's term (no former President died until John Adams and Jefferson on [[July 4]], [[1826]]).
*[[July 31]], [[1875]] – [[March 4]], [[1877]]: from the death of Andrew Johnson to the end of Grant's term (no former President died until Grant in 1885, although incumbent President James Garfield was assassinated in 1881).
*[[June 24]], [[1908]] – [[March 4]], [[1909]]: from the death of Cleveland until the end of Theodore Roosevelt's term (no former President died until Theodore Roosevelt in 1919).
*[[January 5]], [[1933]] – [[March 4]], [[1933]]: from the death of Coolidge until the end of Hoover's term (no former President would die until Hoover in 1964 although incumbent President Franklin Roosevelt died in office in 1945 and incumbent President [[John F. Kennedy assassination|John F. Kennedy was assassinated]] in 1963).
*[[January 22]], [[1973]] – [[August 9]], [[1974]]: from the death of Lyndon Johnson until the resignation of Nixon (no former President died until Nixon in 1994).
Согласно той же 25-й поправке к Конституции, в случае временной недееспособности президента (определяемой им самим или другими представителями исполнительной власти, а прекращаемой согласно заявлению президента) вице-президент США может временно действовать как [[исполняющий обязанности президента США]]. Всего было 3 таких случая, связанных с медицинскими процедурами, требующими общего обезболивания (1985 — Рейган на 8 часов передавал полномочия Бушу-старшему, 2002 и 2007 — Буш-младший передавал полномочия Чейни, каждый раз на 2 часа).
Herbert Hoover had the longest post-presidency at 31 years. He left office in 1933 and died in 1964. Still alive today is Gerald Ford, who has been a former President for 29 years, as of 2006. James K. Polk had the shortest post-presidency. He died on [[June 15]], [[1849]], three months after the end of his term.
== Сулолаи президентҳо ==
*Four former Presidents went on to hold other major offices:
Три президента были прямыми потомками предшественников:
**William Howard Taft was the Chief Justice of the United States
**Andrew Johnson returned to the United States Senate
**John Quincy Adams served in the United States House of Representatives
**John Tyler served in the [[Confederate States Congress]] during the Civil War
**Grover Cleveland was defeated in 1888 by Benjamin Harrison for reelection but won the presidency again in 1892
* 6-й президент [[Адамс, Джон Куинси|Джон К. Адамс]] — сын 2-го президента [[Адамс, Джон (президент)|Джона Адамса]].
* 23-й президент [[Гаррисон, Бенджамин|Бенджамин Гаррисон]] — внук 9-го президента [[Гаррисон, Уильям Генри|Уильяма Г. Гаррисона]].
Between the birth of George Washington in 1732 and the birth of Bill Clinton in 1946, future Presidents have been born in every decade except two: the 1810s and the 1930s. Between the death of George Washington in 1799 and the present, Presidents or former Presidents have died in every decade except four: the 1800s, 1810s, 1950s, and 1980s.
* 43-й президент [[Буш, Джордж Уокер|Джордж Буш-младший]] — сын 41-го президента [[Буш, Джордж Герберт Уокер|Джорджа Буша-старшего]].
Жена [[Буш, Джордж Герберт Уокер|Джорджа Буша-старшего]] [[Буш, Барбара|Барбара Буш]] и их сын [[Буш, Джордж Уокер|Джордж Буш-младший]] являются дальними родственниками 14-го президента [[Пирс, Франклин|Франклина Пирса]].
**Abraham Lincoln in 1865 by [[John Wilkes Booth]]
**James Garfield in 1881 by [[Charles J. Guiteau]] (Guiteau shot him but Garfield arguably died because of subsequent inept medical care)
**William McKinley in 1901 by [[Leon Czolgosz]]
**John F. Kennedy in 1963, is generally thought to have been killed by [[Lee Harvey Oswald]] [http://www.archives.gov/research_room/jfk/warren_commission/warren_commission_report_chapter1.html] although many theories suggest other or additional gunmen [http://www.archives.gov/research_room/jfk/house_select_committee/committee_report_gunmen.html]
32-й президент [[Рузвельт, Франклин Делано|Франклин Д. Рузвельт]] — дальний родственник (шестиюродный внук) 26-го президента [[Рузвельт, Теодор|Теодора Рузвельта]] (помимо этого, он был ещё и женат на его племяннице [[Рузвельт, Элеонора|Элеоноре]]).
* Assassination attempts have been made on eight other U.S Presidents while in office:
** Andrew Jackson in 1835 by [[Richard Lawrence]]
** Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1933 by [[Giuseppe Zangara]] (Actually Roosevelt was President-elect at the time)
** Harry S. Truman in 1950 by [[Griselio Torresola]] and [[Oscar Collazo]]
** Richard Nixon, in 1974 by [[Samuel Byck]]
** Gerald Ford in 1975 by [[Lynette Fromme]] and [[Sara Jane Moore]]
** Ronald Reagan in 1981 by [[John Hinckley, Jr.]]
** Bill Clinton in 1994 by [[Francisco Martin Duran|Francisco Duran]]
** George W. Bush in 2005 by [[Vladimir Arutinian]]
== См. также ==
*Four others died in office of natural causes:
* [[Феҳристи президентҳои ИМА]]
**William Henry Harrison, died of [[pneumonia]] in 1841
**Zachary Taylor, died of "acute [[indigestion]]" in 1850. Taylor's body was exhumed in 1991 to test if he had died of [[arsenic poisoning]]. It was determined he did not.
**Warren G. Harding, died of [[Myocardial infarction|heart attack]] in 1923
**Franklin D. Roosevelt, died of [[cerebral hemorrhage]] in 1945
*Every U.S. President from William Henry Harrison to John F. Kennedy who was elected or re-elected in a year evenly [[division (mathematics)|divisible]] by 20 died in office, many by [[assassination]]. Ronald Reagan (elected in 1980) survived an attempt on his life and George W. Bush (elected in 2000) had a soviet grenade thrown at him while in Georgia, which failed to explode. This string is commonly labeled [[Tecumseh's Curse]].
**1840: William Henry Harrison
**1860: Abraham Lincoln
**1880: James Garfield
**1900: William McKinley
***Theodore Roosevelt, who was McKinley's Vice President and succeeded him in 1901, was shot by [[John Shrank]] in an [[assassination|assassination attempt]] in 1912
**1920: Warren G. Harding
**1940: Franklin D. Roosevelt
**1960: John F. Kennedy
*One President resigned from office:
**Richard Nixon in 1974
*Two Presidents have been [[impeachment|impeached]], though neither was subsequently convicted:
**Andrew Johnson impeached and tried in 1868
**Bill Clinton impeached in 1998, tried in 1999
== Эзоҳ ==
*Four Presidents have been elected without a [[plurality]] of popular votes:
**John Quincy Adams&mdash;trailed [[Andrew Jackson]] by 44,804 votes in the [[United States presidential election, 1824|1824 election]]
***However, in six of the then twenty-four states in 1824, the electors were chosen by the state legislature, with no popular vote.
**Rutherford B. Hayes&mdash;trailed [[Samuel J. Tilden]] by 264,292 votes in the [[United States presidential election, 1876|1876 election]]
**Benjamin Harrison&mdash;trailed Grover Cleveland 95,713 votes in the [[United States presidential election, 1888|1888 election]]
**George W. Bush&mdash;trailed [[Al Gore]] by 543,895 votes in the [[United States presidential election, 2000|2000 election]]
**A possible addition to this list is John F. Kennedy, who may have trailed Richard Nixon in the [[United States presidential election, 1960|1960 election]]. The precise gap in votes is difficult to determine because voters in [[Alabama]] were not given Kennedy as an option on their ballot - they could only vote "Democratic" without choosing a candidate. So, when the Democrats won Alabama, half of the state's electoral votes were pledged to Kennedy, and the other half were not pledged at all, and those votes all went to [[Harry F. Byrd]]. So it is impossible to know how many of those voters meant to vote for Kennedy, or for Byrd. The margin between Kennedy and Nixon was smaller than the number of Democratic votes in Alabama. The official figure from the U.S. government states includes the Alabama votes in Kennedy's total, giving Kennedy the popular plurality.
*Eleven Presidents have been elected without a majority of popular votes (but with a plurality of popular votes):
**James K. Polk&mdash;49.3% of the popular vote in the [[United States presidential election, 1844|1844 election]]
**Zachary Taylor&mdash;47.3% of the popular vote in the [[United States presidential election, 1848|1848 election]]
**James Buchanan&mdash;45.3% of the popular vote in the [[United States presidential election, 1856|1856 election]]
**Abraham Lincoln&mdash;39.9% of the popular vote in the [[United States presidential election, 1860|1860 election]]
**James Garfield&mdash;48.3% of the popular vote in the [[United States presidential election, 1880|1880 election]]
**Grover Cleveland&mdash;48.8% of the popular vote in the [[United States presidential election, 1884|1884 election]]
**Grover Cleveland&mdash;46.0% of the popular vote in the [[United States presidential election, 1892|1892 election]]
**Woodrow Wilson&mdash;41.8% of the popular vote in the [[United States presidential election, 1912|1912 election]]
**Woodrow Wilson&mdash;49.3% of the popular vote in the [[United States presidential election, 1916|1916 election]]
**Harry S. Truman&mdash;49.7% of the popular vote in the [[United States presidential election, 1948|1948 election]]
**John F. Kennedy&mdash;49.7% of the popular vote in the [[United States presidential election, 1960|1960 election]]
**Richard Nixon&mdash;43.2% of the popular vote in the [[United States presidential election, 1968|1968 election]]
**Bill Clinton&mdash;42.9% of the popular vote in the [[United States presidential election, 1992|1992 election]]
**Bill Clinton&mdash;49.2% of the popular vote in the [[United States presidential election, 1996|1996 election]]
*Two Presidents have been elected without a majority of electoral votes and were chosen by the House of Representatives:
**Thomas Jefferson&mdash;finished with same number of electoral votes as [[Aaron Burr]] in the [[United States presidential election, 1800|1800 election]]
**John Quincy Adams&mdash;trailed Andrew Jackson by 15 electoral votes in the [[United States presidential election, 1824|1824 election]]
*Two Presidents won the electoral vote but lost their [[List of major-party United States presidential candidates who lost their home state|resident state]]:
**James Polk&mdash;lost [[Tennessee]] to [[Henry Clay]] but won the election in the 1844 election.
**Woodrow Wilson&mdash;lost [[New Jersey]] to [[Charles Evan Hughes]] but won the election in the 1916 election.
== Пайвандҳои беруна ==
*Five Presidents won the electoral vote but lost their [[List of major-party United States presidential candidates who lost their home state|birth state]]:
* [http://www.whitehouse.gov/president/ Официальный сайт президента США (англ.)]
**William Henry Harrison lost [[Virginia]] to Martin Van Buren but won his resident state of [[Ohio]] and the [[United States presidential election, 1840|1840 election]].
**James Polk lost [[North Carolina]] to Henry Clay but won the 1844 election.
**Abraham Lincoln lost [[Kentucky]] to [[John Bell]] but won his resident state of Illinois and the 1860 election. Lincoln also lost Kentucky to [[George Brinton McClellan]], but won [[Illinois]] and the [[United States presidential election, 1864|1864 election]].
**George H. W. Bush lost [[Massachusetts]] to [[Michael Dukakis]] but won his resident state of [[Texas]] and the [[United States presidential election, 1988|1988 election]].
**George W. Bush lost [[Connecticut]] to [[Al Gore]] but won his resident state of Texas and the [[United States presidential election, 2000|2000 election]]. Bush also lost Connecticut to [[John Kerry]] but won his resident state of Texas and the [[United States presidential election, 2004|2004 election]].
*Only James Polk has won the presidency while losing both his [[List of major-party United States presidential candidates who lost their home state|resident state and birth state]].
*Eight Presidents took office without being elected to the presidency, having been elected as Vice Presidents and then promoted from that position:
** Four of them did not run to succeed themselves and were never elected President.
***John Tyler&mdash;assumed the presidency on the death of William Henry Harrison; did not run in the 1844 election
***Millard Fillmore&mdash;succeeded Zachary Taylor; did not run in the [[United States presidential election, 1852|1852 election]]
****Fillmore did run for President in the 1856 election as a [[Know-Nothing movement|Know Nothing Party]] candidate and received 873,053 votes (21.6%), finishing third
***Andrew Johnson&mdash;succeeded Abraham Lincoln; did not run in the [[United States presidential election, 1868|1868 election]]
***Chester A. Arthur&mdash;succeeded James Garfield; did not run in the 1884 election
** The other four later ran for President and were elected to succeed themselves as President:
***Theodore Roosevelt&mdash;succeeded [[William McKinley]]; elected to succeed himself as President in the [[United States presidential election, 1904|1904 election]]
***Calvin Coolidge&mdash;succeeded Warren G. Harding; elected to succeed himself as President in the [[United States presidential election, 1924|1924 election]]
***Harry S. Truman&mdash;succeeded Franklin D. Roosevelt; elected to succeed himself as president in the 1948 election but did not run again in the [[United States presidential election, 1952|1952 election]], despite being eligible for a third term.
***Lyndon B. Johnson&mdash;succeeded John F. Kennedy; elected to succeed himself as president in the [[United States presidential election, 1964|1964 election]] but did not run again in the 1968 election
*One President, Gerald Ford, was never elected; he was appointed Vice President by Richard Nixon (with approval from Congress) upon the resignation of Vice President [[Spiro Agnew]]. He succeeded to the presidency after Nixon's resignation and was defeated in the [[United States presidential election, 1976|1976 election]] by Jimmy Carter.
{{Президентҳои ИМА|nocat=1}}
===Муҳлати идоракунӣ===
* There were four cases in which only one person served in a presidential term but that person did not serve for a full 1461 days.
** Although the first presidential term was deemed to have started on [[March 4]], [[1789]]&mdash;the day that the United States Constitution became operational&mdash;the First Congress did not meet to count the electoral vote until [[April 6]], and thus George Washington did not accede to the office until then, giving him 1427 days and some number of hours.
** Franklin D. Roosevelt's first term began [[March 4]], [[1933]], but the [[Twentieth Amendment to the United States Constitution|twentieth amendment]] changed the start of the next term to noon on [[January 20]], [[1937]], giving Roosevelt a first term of 1418.5 days.
** Because of the properties of the [[Gregorian calendar]], 1800 and 1900 were not [[leap year]]s, so John Adams' term and William McKinley's first term were shortened to 1460 days.
*An [[urban legend]] claims that [[David Rice Atchison]] was the 11½''th'' president of the United States for one day on [[March 4]], [[1849]], in between the terms of James K. Polk (whose term expired at noon on [[March 4]]) and Zachary Taylor (who chose not to be sworn in until [[March 5]]). However, the logic of this is contradictory. If one does not consider Taylor to have officially become President until the administration of his Oath of Office, then the same logic precludes any person from having automatically succeeded before likewise having taken the same oath. In fact, Taylor, as [[President-elect]], automatically acceded to the Office of President upon the expiration of Polk's term, even if he did not yet enter into the execution of that office until the oath was administered. This fact was confirmed by Congress when it certified his election, as it defined the beginning of the administration as the instant Polk left office. Even if supposing, for the sake of argument, the rather odd interpretation that only Presidents-elect are required to take the oath before officially occupying the office, while officials in the Presidential Line of Succession occupy the Presidency ipso facto, then there would be a long list of dozens of additional "Presidents" who only held the office for a matter of hours or minutes.
*Grover Cleveland had two non-consecutive terms as President and is counted both as the 22nd and the 24th President. Consequently, all subsequent Presidents who are referred to as "the <math>n^{th}</math> President of the United States" are actually the <math>(n-1)^{th}</math> person to hold the office. So George W. Bush, the 43rd President, is actually the 42nd person to be President.
==Дигар далелҳо==
[[Image:Air Force One over Mt. Rushmore.jpg|thumb|Presidential authority, past and present: Air Force One flying over [[Mount Rushmore]]]]
*All Presidents have been white males and nominally [[Christian]] (mostly [[Protestantism|Protestant]]). Most presidents have been of substantially [[Great Britain|British]] descent, but there have been a few who came from a different background:
**Predominantly [[Netherlands|Dutch]]: Martin Van Buren
***Although Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin D. Roosevelt had Dutch names, neither was predominantly Dutch; each had only one Dutch grandfather. Theodore Roosevelt's other three grandparents were all British; Franklin Roosevelt's other three grandparents were of [[Puritan]] stock.
**Predominantly [[Germany|German]]: Herbert Hoover and Dwight Eisenhower
**Predominantly [[Ireland|Irish]]: William McKinley, John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton
***Kennedy was also America's only [[Roman Catholic Church|Roman Catholic]] president.
*Franklin Roosevelt was the only President who was an only child.
*Only one President, James Buchanan, remained a [[bachelor]]. Bachelor Grover Cleveland married [[Frances Cleveland|Frances Folsom]] while in office, while both John Tyler and Woodrow Wilson became [[widower]]s and remarried while in office.
*Franklin D. Roosevelt is the only President to have had a readily apparent physical disability.
*[[Historical rankings of United States Presidents]] by academic historians usually regard three Presidents &mdash; in chronological order, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin D. Roosevelt &mdash; to be the three most successful presidents by a wide margin.
*The Secret Service and some agencies in the government use acronyms as jargon. Since the Truman Administration the President of the United States has been called '''POTUS''', pronounced /{{IPA|poʊtʊs}}/. The wife of the President, traditionally referred to as the [[First Lady of the United States|First Lady]] is called '''FLOTUS''', pronounced /{{IPA|floʊtʊs}}/. The Vice President of the United States is often abbreviated to '''VPOTUS''', pronounced /{{IPA|vipoʊtʊs}}/.
*[[List of United States Presidents by military service|Military service]]: 26 out of the 42 U.S. presidents have served in the military
*Three out of the first five presidents died on [[July 4]]th (Independence Day): John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Monroe. The first two died within hours of each other 50 years, to the day, after adopting the Declaration of Independence together.
*Six Presidents graduated from [[Harvard University]]: both Adamses, both Roosevelts, Kennedy, and George W. Bush (Harvard Business School).
[[Гурӯҳ:Вазифаи президенти ИМА| ]]
* [[Рӯихати Президентҳои Иёлоти Муттаҳида]]
* [[President of the Continental Congress]]
* [[Historical rankings of United States Presidents]]
* [[Presidential Service Badge]]
* [[Presidential Management Fellowship]]
* [[Executive (government)|Executive branch]]
* [[Executive privilege]]
* [[Air Force One]]
* [[Tecumseh's curse]]
* [[Fiction regarding United States presidential succession]]
* [[List of actors who played President of the United States]]
<div class="references-small">
* Leonard Leo, James Taranto, and William J. Bennett. ''Presidential Leadership: Rating the Best and the Worst in the White House.'' Simon and Schuster, June, 2004, hardcover, 304 pages, ISBN 0743254333
* Waldman, Michael, and George Stephanopoulos, ''My Fellow Americans: The Most Important Speeches of America's Presidents, from George Washington to George W. Bush.'' Sourcebooks Trade. September 2003. ISBN 1402200277
* Couch, Ernie, ''Presidential Trivia.'' Rutledge Hill Press. [[1 March]] [[1996]]. ISBN 1558534121
* Lang, J. Stephen, ''The Complete Book of Presidential Trivia.'' Pelican Publishing. September 2001. ISBN 1565548779
<!-- Dead note "oath-authority": Kamen, Al. "[http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A55411-2004Nov16.html If You're Available Jan. 20 . . .]" ''[[Washington Post]]'', [[17 November]] [[2004]]. -->
==Пайвандҳои беруна==
{{Wikisource}}{{commons|Presidents of the United States|Presidents of the United States}}
* {{Web reference_simple | title= Executive Office of the President | URL=http://www.whitehouse.gov/president/ | date=October 7 | year=2005}}
* {{Web reference_simple | title=White House | URL=http://www.whitehouse.gov/ | date=October 7 | year=2005}}
===Таърихи президентӣ===
* {{cite web | title=The American Presidency Project | work=UC Santa Barbara | url=http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ | accessdate=October 7 | accessyear=2005}} - A collection of over 67,000 Presidential documents
* {{cite web | title=POTUS | work=Internet Public Library | url=http://www.ipl.org/div/potus/ | accessdate=October 7 | accessyear=2005}} - Brief biographies, election results, cabinet members, notable events, and some points of interest on each of the presidents.
* {{cite web | title=Life Portraits of the American Presidents | work=C-SPAN | url=http://www.americanpresidents.org/ | accessdate=October 7 | accessyear=2005}} - A companion website for the C-SPAN television series: ''American Presidents: Life Portraits''
* {{cite web | title=United States of America | work=Archontology.org | url=http://www.archontology.org/nations/us/ | accessdate=October 7 | accessyear=2005}}
* {{cite web | title=Presidential Inaugural Addresses | work=Re-QUEST dot Net | url=http://www.re-quest.net/history/inaugurals/index.htm | accessdate=October 25 | accessyear=2005}}
* {{cite web | title=State of the Union Addresses of the American Presidents | work=USA-Presidents.info | url=http://www.usa-presidents.info/union/ | accessdate=October 7 | accessyear=2005}}
* [http://www.vicasting.com/contents.aspx/pid/1446/ President's Weekly Address]
* {{cite web | title=The Masonic Presidents Tour | work=The Masonic Library and Museum of Pennsylvania | url=http://www.pagrandlodge.org/mlam/presidents/index.html | accessdate=October 7 | accessyear=2005}} - Brief histories of the Masonic careers of Presidents who were members of the Freemasons.
* {{cite web | title=Teaching about the U.S. Presidency | work=ERICDigests.org | url=http://ericdigests.org/2001-3/presidency.htm | accessdate=October 7 | accessyear=2005}} - A resource for educators teaching the American Presidency
* {{Web reference_simple | title=American Presidents Blog | URL=http://american-presidents.blogspot.com/ | date=October 7 | year=2005}} - The author of this blog posts links to sites relating to the American Presidency or specific American Presidents
* {{cite web | title=Presidential Administrations: Presidents, Vice Presidents, and Cabinet Members | work=A People and a Nation | url=http://college.hmco.com/history/us/norton/people_nation/7e/students/administrations/ | accessdate=October 7 | accessyear=2005}} - Listing of the cabinet members for each Presidential Administration
* {{cite web | title=Presidential Rankings| work=Wall Street Journal | url=http://www.opinionjournal.com/hail/print_rankings.html | accessdate=October 7 | accessyear=2005}} - Opinion poll of how great each President is believed to be.
[[Гурӯҳ:Executive heads of state]]
[[Гурӯҳ:Lists of office-holders|United States, President]]
[[Гурӯҳ:Presidency of the United States| ]]
[[af:President van die Verenigde State]]
[[ast:Presidentes de los Estaos Xuníos d'América]]
[[bg:Президент на Съединените американски щати]]
[[ca:Llista de presidents dels Estats Units]]
[[cs:Prezident Spojených států amerických]]
[[cy:Arlywydd yr Unol Daleithiau]]
[[da:Amerikanske præsidenter]]
[[de:Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten]]
[[eo:Prezidanto de Usono]]
[[es:Presidente de los Estados Unidos]]
[[et:Ameerika Ühendriikide president]]
[[fi:Yhdysvaltain presidentti]]
[[fr:Président des États-Unis]]
[[ga:Uachtarán na Stát Aontaithe]]
[[gl:Presidentes dos Estados Unidos de América]]
[[he:נשיא ארצות הברית]]
[[hr:Predsjednici Sjedinjenih Američkih Država]]
[[hu:Az Amerikai Egyesült Államok elnöke]]
[[id:Daftar Presiden Amerika Serikat]]
[[it:Lista dei Presidenti degli Stati Uniti d'America]]
[[ka:აშშ-ის პრეზიდენტების სია]]
[[ko:미국의 대통령]]
[[nl:President van de Verenigde Staten]]
[[no:Liste over Amerikas forente staters presidenter]]
[[nrm:Président d's Êtats Unnis]]
[[oc:Lista dels presidents dels Estats Units d'America]]
[[pl:Prezydenci Stanów Zjednoczonych]]
[[pt:Presidente dos Estados Unidos da América]]
[[ro:Preşedinte al Statelor Unite ale Americii]]
[[ru:Список президентов США]]
[[scn:Prisidenti dâ Mèrica]]
[[simple:President of the United States]]
[[sk:Zoznam prezidentov USA]]
[[sl:Predsednik Združenih držav Amerike]]
[[sq:Kryetari i Shteteve të Bashkuara]]
[[sr:Списак председника Сједињених Америчких Држава]]
[[sv:USA:s president]]
[[tr:Amerika Birleşik Devletleri devlet başkanları listesi]]
[[vi:Tổng thống Hoa Kỳ]]