Корбар:Aidan Kehoe/monobook.js: Тафовут байни таҳрирҳо

Content deleted Content added
Move to my version of PicturePopups.js
Attempt the stylesheet manipulation again.
Сатри 35:
if (false && window.location.hostname.match(/(fa|ar|ur)\.wikipedia\.org$/)) {
(function() {
var thecss, sheetIndex, i;
if (!document.styleSheets) return;
for (sheetIndex = 0; sheetIndex < document.styleSheets.length;
++sheetIndex) {
if (document.styleSheets[sheetIndex].cssRules) {
thecss = document.styleSheets[sheetIndex].cssRules;
} else {
thecss = document.styleSheets[sheetInde].rules; // IE
for (i=0;i<thecss.length;i++) {
if ((thecss[i].selectorText.toLowerCase()=='body')) {
= "font-family: Times New Roman, Serif;"
+ "background: #f9f9f9 url(headbg.jpg) 0 0 no-repeat;"
+ "color: black; margin: 0; padding: 0;";
} else if (thecss[i].selectorText.toLowerCase()
== '#globalwrapper') {
thecss[i].style.cssText="font-size: 1.8em; width: 100%;"
+ "margin: 0; padding: 0;";