Usage вироиш

{{Infobox basketball tournament at games
| type         = Olympics
| city         = <!-- hosting city, UNLINKED -->
| year         =
| logo         = <!-- link to image (Image.ext) Note that this should not be the general Olympics logo. -->
| size         = <!-- custom image size (150px) -->
| games        = <!-- link to Olympics Games -->
| host         = <!-- full name of host nation, UNLINKED -->
| dates        = <!-- {{Start date|YYYY|MM|DD}}–<br />{{End date|YYYY|MM|DD}} -->
| men_teams    = <!-- number of men's teams participating in the tournament -->
| men_gold     = <!-- men's gold winning nation, UNLINKED -->
| men_silver   = <!-- men's silver winning nation, UNLINKED -->
| men_bronze   = <!-- men's bronze winning nation, UNLINKED -->
| women_teams  = <!-- number of women's teams participating in the tournament -->
| women_gold   = <!-- women's gold winning nation, UNLINKED -->
| women_silver = <!-- women's silver winning nation, UNLINKED -->
| women_bronze = <!-- women's bronze winning nation, UNLINKED -->
| website      = <!-- website URL (OPTIONAL) -->

Example вироиш

Microformat вироиш

The HTML mark-up produced by this template includes an hCalendar microformat that makes event details readily parsable by computer programs. This aids tasks such as the cataloguing of articles and maintenance of databases. For more information about the use of microformats on Wikipedia, please visit the Microformat WikiProject.

Classes used

The HTML classes this microformat uses include:

  • attendee
  • contact
  • description
  • dtend
  • dtstart
  • location
  • organiser
  • summary
  • url
  • vevent
Please do not rename or remove these classes
nor collapse nested elements which use them.