Кадоме аз ин шаблонро Ман кор барам? вироиш

Кай бояд кор фармуд вироиш

Ин шаблонҳо асосан ҳангоми муайян кардани муттаҳидгардонии эҳтимолӣ истифода мешаванд.

Пас аз гузоштани шаблони муттаҳидгардонӣ, Шумо лутфан унвони нав дар баҳси саҳифа илова намуда, дар он эзоҳи оқилонаи худро оиди муттаҳидгардонӣ баён намоед.

Тарзи истифода вироиш

Мисоли содда вироиш

Ишора кардани як саҳифа содда аст:

Нишонагузорӣ Ташкилёбӣ
{{Merge |СаҳифаиДигар |date=Апрел 2024 }}
{{Merge |СаҳифаиДигар |{{subst:DATE}} }} 

Агар Шумо содда муттаҳидгардонии як саҳифа ба дигар саҳифаро хоҳед, онҳоро чунин ишора намоед: {{markup |

Нишонагузорӣ Ташкилёбӣ
{{Merge to |FirstPage |date{{=}}Апрел 2024 }}
{{Merge to |СаҳифаиЯкум |{{subst:DATE}} }} 
Нишонагузорӣ Ташкилёбӣ
{{Merge from |SecondPage |date{{=}}Апрел 2024 }} ё
{{Merge from |СаҳифаиДуюм |{{subst:DATE}} }} 

Ин имконият медиҳад, ки дар ҳарду саҳифаҳои пешниҳодшуда корбарон дида тавонанд.

Дигар вариантҳо вироиш

Кадом замон гирифта шавад вироиш

Эзоҳ вироиш

TemplateData вироиш

This is the TemplateData documentation for this template used by VisualEditor and other tools.


This is a hatnote template which proposes to merge the page it is applied to into one or more other pages.

Template parameters

This template prefers inline formatting of parameters.

Other page1

This is the page into which this article should be merged. Note: 19 additional pages to merge can be added manually as optional parameters.

Page namerequired
Target pagetarget

When listing several pages to merge, name one proposed target page for the merger with this parameter.

Page nameoptional
Month and yeardate

The date on which the article was tagged (month year; e.g. August 2013)

Auto value

Discussion related to the merge proposal; typically on the talk page for the target (other) page.

Page nameoptional

If you are placing the template in a section, set this parameter to 'yes'.


By default, nspace is "all", which allows specifying pages across multiple namespaces for merge. Can be customized according to the accepted nspace values at Template:Pagelist

This is the TemplateData documentation for this template used by VisualEditor and other tools.

Merge to

This is a hatnote template which proposes to merge the page it is applied into one or more specified pages. Use 'merge from' to tag the target page(s).

Template parameters

Other page1

This is the page into which this article should be merged. Note: 19 additional pages to merge into can be added manually as optional parameters.

Page namerequired
Month and yeardate

The date on which the article was tagged (month year; e.g. August 2013)

Auto value

Discussion related to the merge proposal; typically on the talk page for the target (other) page.

Page nameoptional

If you are placing the template in a section, set this parameter to 'yes'.

This is the TemplateData documentation for this template used by VisualEditor and other tools.

Merge from

This is a hatnote template which proposes to merge one or more specified pages into the tagged page. Use 'merge to' to tag the source page(s).

Template parameters

Other page1

This is the page, from which content should be merged into this article. Note: 19 additional pages to merge from can be added manually as optional parameters.

Page namerequired
Month and yeardate

The date on which the article was tagged (month year; e.g. August 2013)

Auto value

Discussion related to the merge proposal; typically on the talk page for the target page.

Page nameoptional

If you are placing the template in a section, set this parameter to 'yes'.


Википедиа:Template messages/Merging and splitting/List