Иттилооти забонии корбар
tg-N Корбари мазкур тоҷикӣ-ро дар сатҳи забони модариаш мефаҳмад.
prs-N This user has a native understanding of Dari.
pes-N This user has a native understanding of Iranian Persian.
fa-N این کاربر فارسی را در حد زبان مادری می‌فهمد.
az-N Azərbaycan dili bu istifadəçinin ana dilidir.
azj-N This user has a native understanding of North Azerbaijani.
azb-N بو ایشلدنین آنادیلی تورکجه‌دیر.
kmz-N This user has a native understanding of Khorasani Turkic.
qxq-N This user has a native understanding of Qashqai.
klj-N This user has a native understanding of Khalaj.
tk-N Bu ulanyjynyň öz ene dili Türkmençedir.
uz-N Bu foydalanuvchining ona tili oʻzbek tilidir.
uzs-N This user has a native understanding of Southern Uzbek.
uzn-N This user has a native understanding of Northern Uzbek.
Корбарон аз рӯи забонҳо


