Баҳси корбар:VASHGIRD/Бойгонӣ/2018

Latest comment: 5 сол пеш by MediaWiki message delivery in topic WAM Postcard collection


Салом дӯстам! Раҳмат барои дастгирӣ, барори кор. Бо эҳтиром, Ҷалолиддин (talk) 16:07، 23 январи 2018 (UTC).


Салом дӯстам, ин саҳифаҳои нолозимро ҳазф кунед ин ва инро. Бо эҳтиром, Ҷалолиддин (talk) 15:12، 25 феврали 2018 (UTC)

Шрифт пайдо нашуд

Шрифти точики дар дастгохи ман кор накард ма кушида истодаам

Супоришҳо иҷро шуд

Мувофиқи супоришҳои Шумо вироишҳо анҷом додам, вале санҷида бинед, кани дуруст иҷро кардам ё не. Раҳмат барои маслиҳатҳо!


Hello, sorry I don't speak Tajik: this edit had a reason. The photograph was being deleted from Wikimedia Commons because it was a duplicate. -- Blackcat (talk) 09:45، 29 июни 2018 (UTC)

Translation request about the article 'United Nations General Assembly Resolution 68/262'

Hello dear VASHGIRD, saw your powerful contribution in Tajik Wikipedia. According to this I would like to ask you translate/help to translate the the small article into Tajik, and add it to the Wikipedia. Thank you in advance for your support/contribution and best wishes!

Ба шаблони Иқтибос ЭМТ тағйирот даровардан зарур

Ба шаблони Иқтибос ЭМТ тағйирот даровардан зарур аст.

Намуди ҳозира − «Базморой» / А. Алимардонов // Асос — Боз. — Д. : СИЭМТ, 2013. — С. 264. — (Энсиклопедияи Миллии Тоҷик : [тахм. 25 ҷ.] / сармуҳаррир Н. Амиршоҳӣ ; 2011—2017, ҷ. 2). — ISBN 978-99947-33-52-4.

Бояд чунин бошад Базморой // Асос — Боз. Ҷ. 2. — Д.: СИЭМТ, 2013. — С. 264. — (Энсиклопедияи Миллии Тоҷик: 2011—2017, / сармуҳаррир Н. Амиршоҳӣ). — ISBN 978-99947-33-52-4.

Нохунак дар номи мақола, исми муаллифи мақола, иловаи [тахм. 25 ҷ.] умуман лозим нест пок кунед.

Ҷойи гузоштани ҷилди 2-ро низ иваз кунед.

Ба тасвири библиографӣ бояд мувофиқат намояд.

Бо эҳтиром --Шухрат Саъдиев (talk) 12:41، 17 июли 2018 (UTC)

Шаблони {{ЭМТ}} мувофиқи ГОСТ 7.1—2003 «Библиографическая запись. Библиографическое описание», сохта шудааст ки онро дар қатори чандин кишварҳо аз ҷумла Тоҷикистон ҳам пазируфтааст. Дар бобати Базморой бошад, унвони мақола дар китоби ЭМТ бо нохунак омадаст яъне, дар шакли «Базморой», ва ҳар кадом мақола ки унвонаш бенохунак ҳаст, ҳамонгуна дар шаблон бидуни нохунак хоҳад омад. Ҳамчунин мақолаҳое, ки муаллиф доранд зикри номи онҳо ҳатмист ва агар бидуни муаллифанд, пас ба СИЭМТ вогузор мешаванд. Бо эҳтиром --Дӯстмурод Саид (talk) 13:05، 17 июли 2018 (UTC)
Оид ба нохунак ба гуфтаҳоятон розиам. Вале номҳои муаллифони мақолаҳо дар Энсиклопедияҳои дигар (русӣ, қазоқӣ, узбакӣ) бо хати каҷак баъди номи мақола номбар карда нашудаанд (шояд, рекламаи ному насаби муаллифони мақолаҳои энсиклопедӣ қабул нашудааст) Мисоле аз Энсиклопедияҳо оварда тавонед чунин навиштор бигузор биистад.

Тавҷҷӯҳ кунед:

Дар ВК забони русӣ ш. Адрасман чунин иқтибосеро дарёфтам — Адрасман // Большая советская энциклопедия : [в 30 т.] / гл. ред. А. М. Прохоров. — 3-е изд. — М. : Советская энциклопедия, 1969—1978.

Ва оид ба ҳаҷми Ҷилди 2 ҳаҷми саҳифа баъд аз рақами ҳаҷми Ҷилди 2 — С.264. балки — 264 с.

Ҷойгузории Ҷилди 2 низ дар охир дар ягон ҷое надидаам? Агар мисоле аз Китобҳои бисёрҷилда оварда тавонед, чунин шакли навиштор биистад.

Бо эҳтиром ----Шухрат Саъдиев (talk) 07:59، 18 июли 2018 (UTC)

Аммо ба ҳангоми зикри (статья, автор, том, страницы) тасвир чунин шаклро мегирад: Селин Луи Фердинанд / В. П. Балашов // Сафлор — Соан. — М. : Советская энциклопедия, 1976. — С. 204. — (Большая советская энциклопедия : [в 30 т.] / гл. ред. А. М. Прохоров ; 1969—1978, т. 23).

Дар мисоли овардаи Шумо танҳо зикри номи мақола (статья ) ҳасту халос. Бо эҳтиром --Дӯстмурод Саид (talk) 08:26، 18 июли 2018 (UTC)

  • Монанди тасвири библиографии овардаатон: «Базморой» / А. Алимардонов // Асос — Боз. — Д. : СИЭМТ, 2013. — — (Энсиклопедияи Миллии Тоҷик : [тахм. 25 ҷ.] / сармуҳаррир Н. Амиршоҳӣ ; 2011—2017, ҷ. 2). — ISBN 978-99947-33-52-4. аз мақолаҳои Википедияҳо биоваред.

Муқоиса мубоҳисаамонро ҷамъбаст мекунад. Бо эҳтиром -- --Шухрат Саъдиев (talk) 12:25، 18 июли 2018 (UTC) https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%91%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%8F#cite_ref-43

Монанд ба ҳамин: Бразилия // Большой Кавказ — Великий канал. — М. : Большая российская энциклопедия, 2006. — С. 124—148. — (Большая российская энциклопедия : [в 35 т.] / гл. ред. Ю. С. Осипов ; 2004—2017, т. 4). — ISBN 5-85270-333-8. --Дӯстмурод Саид (talk) 15:07، 18 июли 2018 (UTC)
    • Аз рӯи тасвири библиографии овардаатон шаблони пештараи тасвиратонро ислоҳ намоед. Яъне муаллифи мақола А. Алимардонов ва С. 264.-ро ҳазф намудан лозим аст. Инчунин, барои осон гардидани ислоҳоти зиёд, ва минюаъд мунтазам дохил кардани шаблон ба мақолаҳои ЭМТ, ба ҷойи саҳифаи мақола.... метавонед танҳо ҳаҷми ЭМТ Ҷ.2, яъне — 264 с. гузоред.

Бо эҳтиром --Шухрат Саъдиев (talk) 18:35، 18 июли 2018 (UTC)

Удаление статей по ЛГБТ-тематике

Коллега, вы не поясните причины удаления статей Гей, ЛГБТ и других? 17:00، 25 июли 2018 (UTC)

Apologies for the message in English, but I too am wondering about your recent deletions. Viewing the deleted revisions doesn't show a reason why the pages should have been deleted. Can you provide one? Ajraddatz (talk) 19:22، 25 июли 2018 (UTC)

Invitation from WAM 2018


Hi WAM organizers!

Hope you receive your postcard successfully! Now it's a great time to sign up at the 2018 WAM, which will still take place in November. Here are some updates and improvements we will make for upcoming WAM. If you have any suggestions or thoughts, feel free to discuss on the meta talk page.

  1. We want to host many onsite Edit-a-thons all over the world this year. If you would like to host one in your city, please take a look and sign up at this page.
  2. We will have many special prize provided by Wikimedia Affiliates and others. Take a look at here. Let me know if your organization also would like to offer a similar thing.
  3. Please encourage other organizers and participants to sign-up in this page to receive updates and news on Wikipedia Asian Month.

If you no longer want to receive the WAM organizer message, you can remove your username at this page.

Reach out the WAM team here at the meta talk page if you have any questions.

Best Wishes,
Sailesh Patnaik using MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 16:03, 23 сентябри 2018 (UTC)Reply

27 Communities have joined WAM 2018, we're waiting for you!


Dear WAM organizers!

Wikipedia Asian Month 2018 is now 26 days away! It is time to sign up for WAM 2018,

Following are the updates on the upcoming WAM 2018:

  • Follow the organizer guidelines to host the WAM successfully.
  • We want to host many onsite Edit-a-thons all over the world this year. If you would like to host one in your city, please take a look and sign up at this page.
  • If you or your affiliate wants to organize an event partnering with WAM 2018, Please Take a look at here.
  • Please encourage other organizers and participants to sign-up in this page to receive updates and news on Wikipedia Asian Month.

If you no longer want to receive the WAM organizer message, you can remove your username at this page.

Reach out the WAM team here at the meta talk page if you have any questions.

Best Wishes,
Wikilover90 using ~~~~

Роналд Рейган

mitavoni maqola Роналд Рейган ro dyryst kyni?Reza Amper (talk) 12:00, 22 октябри 2018 (UTC)Reply

Вақт шавад, дуруст мекунам :). Бо сопос --Дӯстмурод Саид (talk) 12:01, 22 октябри 2018 (UTC)Reply

WAM Organizers Update

Hi WAM Organizer! Hopefully, everything works just fine so far! Need Help Button, post in any language is fine

  • Here are some recent updates and clarification of rules for you, and as always, let me know if you have any idea, thought or question.
    • Additional souvenirs (e.g. postcard) will be sent to Ambassadors and active organizers.
    • A participant's article count is combined on all language Wikipedias they have contributed to
    • Only Wikipedia Asian Month on Wikipedia or Wikivoyage projects count (no WikiQuote, etc.)
    • The global top 3 article count will only be eligible on Wikipedias where the WAM article requirement is at least 3,000 bytes and 300 words.
    • If your community accepts an extension for articles, you should set up a page and allow participants to submit their contributions there.
    • In case of redirection not allowed submitting in Fountain tool, a workaround is to delete it, copy and submit again. Or a submission page can be used too.
    • Please make sure enforce the rules, such as proper references, notability, and length.
    • International organizers will double check the top 3 users' accepted articles, so if your articles are not fulfilling the rules, they might be disqualified. We don't want it happened so please don't let us make such a decision.

Please feel free to contact me and WAM team on meta talk page, send me an email by Email this User or chat with me on facebook. For some languages, the activity for WAM is very less, If you need any help please reach out to us, still, 12 more days left for WAM, Please encourage your community members to take part in it.

If you no longer want to receive the WAM organizer message, you can remove your username at this page.

Best Wishes,
Sailesh Patnaik

What's Next (WAM)!

Congratulations! The Wikipedia Asian Month has ended successfully and you've done amazing work of organizing. What we've got and what's next?

Tool problem
If you faced problem submitting articles via judging tool, use this meta page to do so. Please spread this message with local participants.
Here are what will come after the end of WAM
  • Make sure you judge all articles before December 7th, and participants who can improve their contribution (not submit) before December 10th.
  • Participates still can submit their contribution of November before December 5th at this page. Please let your local wiki participates know. Once you finish the judging, please update this page after December 7th
  • There will be three round of address collection scheduled: December 15th, December 20th, and December 25th.
  • Please report the local Wikipedia Asian Ambassador (who has most accepted articles) on this page, if the 2nd participants have more than 30 accepted articles, you will have two ambassadors.
  • There will be a progress page for the postcards.
Some Questions
  • In case you wondering how can you use the WAM tool (Fountain) in your own contest, contact the developer Le Loi for more information.

Thanks again, Regards
Sailesh Patnaik using MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 04:59, 3 Декабри 2018 (UTC)Reply

WAM Postcard collection

Dear organiser,

Thanks for your patience, I apologise for the delay in sending the Google form for address collection. Please share this form and the message with the participants who created 4 or more than 4 articles during WAM. We will send the reminders directly to the participants from next time, but please ask the participants to fill the form before January 10th 2019.

Things to do:

  1. If you're the only organiser in your language edition, Please accept your article, keeping the WAM guidelines in mind.
  2. Please report the local Wikipedia Asian Ambassador (who has most accepted articles) on this page, if the 2nd participants have more than 30 accepted articles, you will have two ambassadors.
  3. Please update the status of your language edition in this page.

Note: This form is only accessed by WAM international team. All personal data will be destroyed immediately after postcards are sent. If you have problems accessing the google form, you can use Email This User to send your address to my Email. Thanks :) --Saileshpat using MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 21:15, 19 Декабри 2018 (UTC)Reply

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